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the best, jammiest eggs.

stop! making! bad! hard! boiled! eggs! there is literally nothing worse than a dry yolk. and don’t get me started on over-boiled blue yolks.

here are my tips + tricks to making the best, jammiest jammy eggs out there. this is the ONLY way you should be making eggs! THE ONLY WAY.



large eggs (preferably organic, pasture-raised, free-range, etc.)*

1 tsp. salt

*eggs should be at least 1 week old from purchase!

older eggs = easier to peel!


Take your (at least a week old) eggs out of the fridge & put them on the counter.

Fill a medium saucepan 2/3 the way with water & bring to a boil on high heat. Once boiling, add in salt.

Slowly (!) drop in your eggs using a spoon, one at a time. Make sure all eggs are in an even layer at the bottom and fully submerged under water (if not, they will not cook consistently!). Once you drop your last egg in the water, set a timer for 6 1/2 minutes. Walk away, don’t touch your eggs.

After 6 1/2 minutes, immediately remove eggs from heat, drain, and continuously run under the coldest water your sink allows (you could also place them in an ice bath, but why dirty more dishes?). Run under cold water until the pot is cold, and your eggs feel room-temp-ish.

You’re welcome.

store: in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. Safe to eat out of the fridge for up to 4 hours (great for car rides & on-the-go!)

diet: do you allow yourself to eat eggs? then eat them.

eat it with: AVOCADO TOAST DUH! or go on and make soy-sauce marinated eggs.